Working on home DIY projects can be a great way to get outdoors, get creative, and spiff up your home. We offer a wide-range of landscape materials for your latest project. If you are looking for a little inspiration, check out some of our yard favorites below.
Selecting mulch can certainly come down to personal taste and we find our customers love what we offer. Out of our selection, Red Cedar is one of the most popular picks from our yard. Many DIY-ers, use this to protect plants by keeping them cool. Perfect for the long hot summer days in Colorado.
Another very popular landscape material supply Henderson. we sell in our yards is screened fill dirt.
Rich in nutrients. DIY-ers add this to their gardens and plant-beds to help maintain a healthy pH level, keep soil moist and improve the longevity of the soil itself.
50% Compost and 50% Screened Top-Soil. Great for containers, planter boxes, and your garden. Also, great for planting grass seed and or sod without having to till the soil.
A high-nutrient dairy-based compost. It works great for gardens. Top dressing on grass, we recommend quarter inch for application.
Need help with your latest DIY project? Give us a call 303.324.2263!