Landscaping on a Budget: 5 Easy Money-Saving Ideas

Landscaping on a Budget: 5 Easy Money-Saving Ideas

Perhaps you look at your yard and have some big landscaping dreams, a vision of what you want your lawn to look like. Your next thought might stop you in your tracks – “I don’t have the budget for that.” Landscaping on a budget might feel impossible, especially when you’re overwhelmed with all the projects standing between you and your dream lawn. Luckily, your goals are much closer than you anticipate when you utilize a few key landscaping tips. Discover our 5 best money-saving ideas for landscaping on a budget, and attain your dream lawn without overspending!

  1. Make a game planWhether or not you can allocate the funds to hire a landscaping service for the projects you want to complete, you may be overwhelmed at the start trying to determine what to do and where to begin. The best way to stop yourself from breaking the bank and spending more than you want is to start with a solid plan. Maybe you need to prioritize your goals and save some tasks for later. Maybe you need to narrow down your ideas into a few clear and concise projects. You and your budget can definitely benefit from simplifying what you need to do.Take stock of where you’re currently at. Are there plants or other features you want to get rid of? Do you need to clean up? Starting with trimming and tidying might give you a good canvas to move forward. Are you looking to add any features? Do you need to add plants or perhaps give your grass a makeover? Determine what you currently have that can stay, and determine what you’d like to add. It may be easier to decide what you need once you clean up what you currently have.If you’ve done any projects in the past or just happen to have some tools or supplies sitting around, take inventory of those items as well. It’ll be helpful to know what you already have so you don’t accidentally spend money buying a tool you forgot you purchased a few years ago. Any leftover materials like rocks, mulch, seed, or countless others can be put to use.
  2. Choose your plants wiselyEven if you feel like you need to drop a lot of money on whatever type of plants you want, there are actually plenty of cost-friendly options that allow you to landscape on a budget. If you buy cheaper plants that may seem to be lower quality, the way you take care of them is also important. If you do your research and take care of them accordingly, you can absolutely make the most of them.You don’t need to fill up every area of your lawn with a multitude of plants. Strategically choose where you want to feature something different, and you’ll find that you can spruce up your yard effectively. For example, a few flower beds add some intrigue with lots of color, and it can be very inexpensive to create. Opting for perennials can make the best use of your funds, as they will return each year.You can also use shrubs, which can fill up a good amount of space, especially as they grow. Even trees don’t need to be expensive, as saplings can be extremely budget-friendly, and they will only continue to grow and look better each year.
  3. Repurpose your materialsThis landscaping tip may require a little bit of creative thinking, but it certainly doesn’t need to be difficult. From wheelbarrows to watering cans, you can turn plenty of items into a beautiful, eye-catching statement to house a variety of plants. If you’re unsure where to begin and need a bit of creative inspiration, that’s okay. A quick search can give you plenty of ideas.We’ve seen people use old jars and bottles, sinks, wagons, pots and mugs, old tires, barrels, birdbaths, boots, and so much more. Instead of getting rid of something you no longer have a use for, you may actually have a stunning feature for your yard that can add a charming touch. Plus, by having items that add some height or a pop of color, you can attract the eye more dynamically.
  4. Use mulch to your advantageMulch is a wonderfully inexpensive material that can take up a lot of space in a way that looks very clean and put together. Not only does it look nice, but mulch can actually be great for your soil, keeping the moisture in and giving nourishment back to the earth beneath it. Plus, if you’re not a landscaping expert, that’s okay. Mulch is very easy to use – just dump it out of the bag and spread it evenly.If you’ve added trees or shrubbery into your yard, mulch offers a great way to surround them that also looks neat and tidy. For instance, adding a few shrubs in front of your house with an enclosed area of mulch can instantly give you the curb appeal you’re looking for.
  5. Create a walkwayAlthough this may sound daunting, a walkway is relatively easy to create and can be as organic or as structured as you like. They offer a bit of movement to a yard that may look otherwise static, and they can prevent people from walking on your grass (which you undoubtedly will want after working hard to perfect it!).You can simply lay some pavers or stepping stones in sand for a natural look, or you can create a more organized look by pushing them close together. On the edges of your path, you can add small lights, plants, edging, or whatever suits your personal taste. If you only have the budget for a very minimalist pathway, that’s okay! A few big pavers on sand or stone can look just as beautiful for a lower price. Plus, with various options, you can easily customize this feature to look suitable to your style.

Landscaping on a budget, made easy

Saving money on your lawn doesn’t need to be drab. With countless options and plenty of budget-friendly materials available, you can create landscaping that looks breathtaking, flourishing, and bright, all without breaking the bank. Allow yourself to get creative, and you open up a world of possibilities to achieve your ideal lawn.

If you’re looking for assistance in achieving your landscaping goals, discover what Pillar Aggregates can do for you and your lawn. Pillar Aggregates can provide hardscaping, landscaping material delivery, and so much more.

Get started today to create your perfect yard with a reliable landscaping service!

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